Saturday, April 18, 2009


The rambutan fruit is shape ovoid or ellipsoid and size 1 1/3 to 3 1/8 inch (3.4 to 8 cm) long. Color varies between different cultivars as pinkish-red, bright-or deep-red, orange-red, maroon or dark-purple, yellowish-red, or all yellow or orange-yellow. A thin, hairy and leathery rind is covered the edible flesh. The flesh is colored white to rose-tinted, translucent, juicy, subacid or sweet, adhering to fairly the ovoid or oblong, with a small flattened seed at center.

The name of the fruit 'rambutan' comes from the Malay word, 'rambut' meaning hair; as the fruit sorrounded by hairy rind.

The fresh rambutan fruits can be eaten raw out-of-hand after tearing the rind open, or cutting it around the middle and pulling it out. The seeds are tastes bitter and reported poisonous if eaten raw, but are sometimes eaten after roasted, in the Philippines.

A decoction from the astringent bark is taken as a remedy for thrush. A decoction of the roots is taken as a medication that reduces fever.
[image: rambutan fruits at closer view]