Thursday, April 30, 2009


Persimmons are grown for it's edible fruits. The persimmon fruit is known to be "the fruit of the gods" in the ancient Greeks. The tree can grow high up to 25 feet (7.6 m).

The fruit is size 3.5 inch(8.9 cm) in diameter, and the shape of the fruit varies between spherical, acorn-like, and pumpkin-shaped; with color pale yellow, orange, or red exterior with an orange flesh inside.

There are two types of persimmon fruits, one is with the astringent flavor while the other is non-astringent.

The fresh persimmon fruits can be eaten raw out-of-hand, or dried, or after cooked. When the fresh fruit is eaten raw, the outer skin is cut and removed, and the flesh is often cut into quarters or eaten whole like apples.

[image: sliced persimmon fruits]